Thursday, June 08, 2006

BEAT Writers' Block

1. Have another person make up a title, and you write a poem, story, play, etc. that goes with that title.

2. Open the dictionary, and use that word as an inspiration to the story.

3. Create word banks: have your writer friends write down 10 of their favorite words. Cut them up and put them in a box. Shake the box and pick a word or words. Use the word(s) in your writing.

4. the Best way to prepare for TAKS Testing: Write more often, use description, concentrate voice...

5. Brainstorm and always write down ideas even if you don't use it at that time, you can use it later.

6. Listen to music, and respond to what you hear.

7. Read a famous quotation and use it as a starting point.

8. Write about your favorite things or your least favorite things.

9. Read a story or book-----this can serve as a good starting point.

10. Study things that you are interested in and write about it!!

11. Think of anything or ask someone.

12. Use your imagination.

13. Look on the computer for ideas.

14. Make a continuation or prequel of a piece you have already written.

15. Look at the name on paint swatches for inspiring names and words.


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